Non-Clinical Career Profile

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To better your understanding of non-clinical career options and/or facilitate your physician career change, today we introduce you to Carl A. Hammerschlag, MD. A master storyteller, internationally recognized author, physician, speaker and healer, Dr. Carl A. Hammerschlag is a Yale-trained psychiatrist who has spent more than twenty years working with Native Americans.


This bio and more information about Dr. Hammerschlag are available on the Speakers on Health website.


“For fourteen of those years, he was Chief of Psychiatry at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center. Now one of the world’s leading proponents of Psychoneuroimmunology (mind-body-spirit medicine), Dr. Hammerschlag is a faculty member at the University of Arizona Medical School and an advisory board member to Shape Magazine.

An expert on how to survive in rapidly changing cultures, Dr. Hammerschlag brings to his presentations his gift of storytelling, a wealth of legends, and unique insights which bridge the worlds of science, spirit, and culture. Utilizing his own extraordinary life experiences , including the language of science, the power of legends and his vast clinical experience , he offers a unique perspective on how people can restore balance in their lives.

Dr. Hammerschlag’s life work has been chronicled in three critically acclaimed books: The Dancing Healers, The Theft of the Spirit, Healing Ceremonies, as well as two children’s books. He holds the highest honor given in the speaking profession, the CPAE Speakers Hall of Fame Award. Dr. Hammerschlag is a recipient of the National Caring Award; selected by the Caring Institute of Washington, DC, from more than a quarter million nominations, the award honors him as one of “the ten most caring adults in America.”

A passionate, wise, and caring healer, Dr. Hammerschlag helps people transform their lives by showing them how to rise above their limitations, remove their roadblocks, rekindle their dreams, and become the principal agents in their own professional and personal lives. With poignancy and humor, he leads his audiences on a joyful journey that will stimulate and renew their creative potential.”

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